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How to Write a Content Outline for Your Online Course

An online course development is more of an art than a science. Although there isn’t a set method for success, the most effective courses all have a few things in common. The course outline is one of those components when planning a new course, it is beneficial for both you and your students to have a clear, and interesting content outline. Making an outline can also assist you to make sure the material in your course supports the objectives you have for the students.

Are you confused of where to begin while creating your outline?

I’ll walk you through each step that is necessary to write a productive and successful course outline in this blog.

Do you know what is a course outline?

An outline of your course content is exactly what it sounds like. It is a document that contains important details about a course design that may be used to determine what students are likely to do. It includes important details like the course description, course schedule, learning objectives, deadlines for assessments, suggested readings, and assessment results among other things.

Let’s now examine the detailed instructions to comprehend what a compelling course plan should consist of.

A Comprehensive Course outline Guide

The most difficult part for any course creator is getting started. I will guide you how you should move from course concept to the perfect course outline by following these simple steps I have mentioned below.

1) Determine your Learners' Goal

Set your end users, the students who will be enrolled in your course, as your focal point and first step.

We need to look at some questions to consider before writing an outline:

  • Who are your students?
  • What do they hope to accomplish?
  • What issues are they facing?
  • How will your course help them accomplish their goals?

These basic questions will help you stay focused on course as you create an outline specific to your audience.

2) Make a Plan to Achieve the Goal

It’s crucial to create a framework for how your students will achieve their objectives; they must be precisely defined along with their explanations. Think of the roadmap as a simple drawing of your project. It basically illustrates your course’s route from beginning to end. Your beginning step should be a simple introduction. Regardless of the subject, every course should begin with an introduction to the key ideas. Remember that not all learners will start at the same level. Some students might desire a quick overview before diving into the course material.

3) Course Flow and Connectivity

It is very important to focus on the elements that are also necessary for your course roadmap and its connetion, you should always be ready to observe how the course is progressing. Here are some points which should be highlighted.

  • Your sections have to function as stepping stones leading from easy concepts to more complicated ones.
  • Try to use prior knowledge for your students.
  • Avoid introducing challenging material or concepts too early in the course; instead, build up some easy and main topics for your students to learns.
  • Use more visual aids for better understanding and concepts.

After all, these major points help your students to learn and grow with dedication.

4) Learning Assessment & Evaluation

Measuring student achievement against a predetermined standard allows teachers and students to evaluate and assess student progress.

You should always include something that helps your students to remember what they have learned after each phase (lesson or topic) in your course roadmap. It is also required to add different question types at the end of each lesson to get to know the learning capability of students and their knowledge.

5) Set about Connecting the Dots

It’s time to add specific sections and lesson titles to your course outline after you’ve created a rough course map.

Keep the following in mind for each segment of your course:

  • What is the medium? Will the section be presented as text, a video, or a combination of mediums?
  • What are your talking points for each lesson? What information do you need to convey?
  • How does this section build upon the previous sections? How does it segue into the following section?
  • How does this section tie back to the learners’ goals?

These questions provide you with a clear understanding of how to develop useful course outline material that supports maintaining course connectivity till the end.


Finally, you are prepared and can utilize any LMS plugin to take your course from outline to publish on your eLearning site. If you are not already using any plugin, you may go ahead with LearnDash or LifterLMS to start building your course. Keep connected with us for more blogs.

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